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Round 3: Local Open Calls for National Artist Teams

Connecting, sharing and learning around Europe

Some of our project organisations are looking to get more artists to join their National Artist Teams (NAT). Here you can find information about the NAT in general and about the local Open Calls.

Local Open Calls

Finland, Turku 3.-30.9.2024 – CALL IS CLOSED

Individual artists can apply to be part of the Turku University of Applied Sciences´ Arts Academy NAT. You can apply by sending the following material by Monday 30.9.2024:

  • Motivational letter (pdf-file)
  • Artistic portfolio (pdf-file) or a link to an online artistic portfolio.
  • Description of current digital media usage (pdf-file).

Send your application to by end of Monday 30.9.2024.


Italy 3-16.6.2024 – CALL IS CLOSED

Individual artists can apply to be part of the Italian NAT. You can apply by sending the following material by 16.6.2024:
  • Motivational letter (pdf-file)
  • Artistic portfolio (pdf-file) or a link to an online artistic portfolio.
  • Description of current digital media usage (pdf-file).

Send your application to by end of Sunday 16.6.2024.

Malta 30.05.-13.6.2024 – CALL IS CLOSED

Individual artists can apply to be part of the Maltese NAT. You can apply by sending the following material by 13.6.2024:
  • Motivational letter (pdf-file)
  • Artistic portfolio (pdf-file) or a link to an online artistic portfolio.
  • Description of current digital media usage (pdf-file).
Send your application to by end of Thursday 13.6.2024. Selected artists will be informed by 15.6.2024.

Slovakia 17.5.-7.6.2024 – CALL IS CLOSED

Individual artists can apply to be part of the Slovakian NAT. You can apply by sending the following material by 7.6.2024:
  • Motivational letter (pdf-file)
  • Artistic portfolio (pdf-file) or a link to an online artistic portfolio.
  • Description of current digital media usage (pdf-file).
In your email or the Motivational letter, please answer these questions:
  • What do you hope to share as NAT member?
  • What do you hope to learn and do as NAT member?
  • Other thoughts
Send your application to by end of Friday 7.6.2024. Selected artists will be informed by 12.6.2024.

Jump on-board to learn how to make better use of digital media in moving ahead with your artistic career. 

National Artist Teams (NATs) are first and foremost artists focused on collaborating inside their local/regional groups and as importantly between the 7 PMP partners’ artists located in 6 different EU countries. They exist as collectives, gatherings, or interest groups for these artists and others who wish to learn, share, have conversations and co-create together with other artists.

NATs consist of artists who are interested in the international development of their careers, despite not having as many opportunities for their career development as some others. They are artists with diverse backgrounds, including those with fewer opportunities (due to e.g. minority status, societal, financial, or geographical challenges, disability, ethnicity or any other reason).

Online Seminars – Workshop Weeks – Residencies

Each country´s PMP partner selects 4-20 artist from their country (Finland, Italy, Croatia, Slovakia, Spain and Malta). After the selection, all NATs are invited to join Online Seminars and are eligible to apply to Workshop Weeks organized in different countries during the 3-year project.

Each Workshop Week will have 4 artist participating from each country. Participants travel, accommodation and food costs are covered and a per diem or honorarium will be paid. At these Workshop Weeks, NAT members will have the opportunity to collaborate with the NATs from other project countries. They will create methods and raw material for the PMP Toolkit.

All Workshop Week participants can apply for one of the several 2-month residencies that will take place in one of the following: (Already done: Southern Finland, Italy) Northern Finland, Spain and Croatia. The participating artists will get to develop the PMP Toolkit materials further, as well as work on their own art. For the residencies, the selected NATs will be supported with a honorarium.

Workshops, online seminars and all other project activities are built on five themes:

  1. Media & Art (already done)
  2. Online Media & Digital Storytelling (already done)
  3. Social Media & Media Readership
  4. Future Media
  5. Media Professional Identity.

National Artist Teams gather monthly to discuss art, current topical issues, to co-create, to learn from one another and expert lectures, to share a meal, positive energy and peer-support. The final structure and content of the NAT gatherings will be decided by the artists themselves. At the end of the PMP project, an international, multi-media and multi-art exhibition will take place simultaneously in 6 locations around Europe. All NAT artists will get an opportunity to showcase their art at the exhibition.

Click the link to see more about the NAT activities for 2024-2025.

NAT Open Call Criteria

You can apply if you:

  •  are motivated to participate in the project
  • are willing to grow professionally
  • show artistic potential
  • articulate in your motivation letter your interest and commitment to work in a collaborative/ multidisciplinary manner in NAT to demonstrate willingness to work and connect with others
  • are willing to share your own artistic and/or life experiences with others
  • are interested in using digital media professionally
  • have sufficient understanding of the English language. The PMP working language is English, so sufficient proficiency in English is required
  • are over 18 years of age.

Click the link and meet the current PMP National Artist teams!  (please be patient, the page might take some time to open).

Artistic work and copyrights in NATs

The ownership, copyright and Intellectual Property Right (IPR) of the artistic work created in PMP stays with the artists, with a right to publish this work as a part of PMP outcomes (e.g. toolkit). Any creations will not be shared or published without permission from the artist. With all legal and contractual questions, including the ownership, copyright and Intellectual Property Right (IPR) issues, the project will follow firstly the laws of Europe and their country, secondly the Grant Agreement done with EACEA, and thirdly the Professional Media Presence Co-operation Agreement.