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Social Media & Media Readership - watch the presentations

Professional Media Presence project organised it´s 3rd Online Seminar on the theme Social Media & Media Readership  on 5.9.2024. It was organised and hosted by two of our partners; Lapland University of Applies Sciences (Finland) and Youth for Equality (Slovakia). Close to 150 participants joined in for a morning packed with interesting and engaging presentations from recognised experts in their field. 

If you missed the presentation or want to return to these sessions, you can watch all the presentation here. Hope you will find these interesting and inspiring.

Watch the presentations

Welcome & introduction
Anni Sundbacka, Lecturer of Turku Arts Academy (Turku University of Applied Sciences, Finland)
Diana Jašeková, President of Youth for Equality

Modern personal branding
Kati Koivunen, D.Sc. (Econ. & Bus. adm.), Lapland University of Applied Sciences

Artist in the digital world using social media in their work
Juho Könkkölä, BA (visual arts), origami artist

Media Readership
Harutyun Tsatryan, Ph.D, Media and communication researcher and fact-checking specialist, INEDNET


About the event

You can find more info about the speakers on the event site: Online Seminar 5.9.2024: Social Media & Media Readership. 

More to come!

Online Seminars are the starting point and basis for the work in the following National Artist Teams´(NATs) Workshops Weeks. It all ties in together, different activities supporting each other and helping deepen the digital presence understanding and skills for artists with fewer opportunities. There will be altogether 5 Online Seminars, so 2 more to go! The seminars are open to all.