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PMP News 1/2025

Welcome to read the first ever PMP News! It is primarily meant to support and inspire all you PMP NAT artists around Europe, as well as keeping all the project partners in the loop. We will share what´s been going on, inform you about the coming events and opportunities. We also want to support and inspire you by sharing and celebrating your successes and best practices. You also have the opportunity to introduce yourself and your work to the other artists.

What, how, where?

PMP News will have 3-4 issues during a year. All the material and content is collected via the local partner organisations. If you would like to share something, please get in touch with your local PMP contact and they´ll tell you what to do. PMP News is available on the PMP website. We will notify all the NAT artists by email when a new issue is out. If you don´t want to receive this notification, please send a message to

In this issue

You can recap on what we have been doing together so far (it´s a lot!), get some tips for grant writing, get updates on coming activities, such as the workshop week in Barcelona and the subsequent artist residency. You can also get to know some fellow artists and their latest work a bit better. Hope you´ll enjoy the read and get a spark to contribute to the next issue!

Congratulations – we´ve made it to the halfway!

As our project has reached the halfway mark of our journey together, we wanted to reflect on the milestones and experiences we’ve achieved together. From insightful online seminars to inspiring workshop weeks and artist residencies, all aimed to help you strengthen your professional media presence and navigate the interplay between art, technology, and digital media. Read the full story here: Halfway through – Reflective overview of the journey so far.

Barcelona workshop week

The workshop week in Barcelona is just around the corner (10-14 March). The local team at Espronceda is working hard to get everything ready for the participants. You will have an unforgettable week learning, sharing, creating and making new friends! Topic for the week, Discovering transformative power of embodied storytelling and Virtual and Extended Reality (XR), will be worked on in two groups. The participants can choose if they want to explore the topic in the Embodied Narratives Production Workshop or in the Virtual Environments Workshop. Read more about what to expect from the week: About Barcelona; Future Media just around the corner

Artist residency in Barcelona

Straight after the workshop week, two artists will start their residency in Barcelona.  Tianjun Li from Finland and Ivana Tkalčić from Croatia will work for a month in the inspiring and buzzing city of Barcelona. After that, they´ll continue their work for another 4 weeks online. – The residency will offer a platform for artistic exploration, collaboration, and meaningful engagement with themes related to humanity, ecosystems, technology, and creative expression, tell Alessia Gervasone and Maria Mantzakou from the hosting organization Espronceda. Meet Tianjun and Ivana: Introducing Barcelona residency artists.

Future Media online seminar

Take a look at the highlights from the online seminar on Future Media  on 6 February. The seminar attracted 67 participants, creating a lively and engaged audience.

Happening locally

Ever wonder what the other NATs are doing? Here´s one example from the Turku team with some tips on grant writing. Worth the read! Here you go: Sharing tips and experiences applying grants.

Tips for open calls

Check also these opportunities spotted for you by the Culture Hub Croatia:

Artist introductions

There are now 104 artists in the National Artist Teams. You are from all walks of art; actors, circus artists, choreographers, composers, costume and set designers, dancers, designers, dramaturges, film makers, illustrators, musicians, new media artists, performers, photographers, sound designers, video and visual artists, writers and many more… That is amazing! We are grateful for having you and your talents onboard!

Hopefully we get to introduce many of you in the coming PMP News. Here are the first introductions: Paula, Miguel and Gabriela are from the Spanish team and Ivana is from Croatia. Let´s meet them!

Next issue

Next PMP News will come out in early June. If you have stories or news you´d like to share, or you think would interest your fellow NAT artists, please get in touch with your local PMP contact person.


Wishing you all a productive and inspiring spring 2025!

PMP Turku team


– Find the good in your world to fight the chaos around. –